Choose the uni of your dreams
with a real student
We work with the best universities in the country
of applicants are not satisfied with their university degree
How can I make the most of my university experience?
How to make sure this is the right degree for me?
How do current students feel about their program?
How to select between similar courses from different universities?
Talk to those who have been in your shoes. Current students have the most up-to-date and accurate knowledge about the curriculum and university in general. And you can access them from the comfort of your home.
There is a solution!
Hundreds of students are waiting for your questions right now!
What do we offer?
What do we offer?
Comming Soon
Please reach out to us if you are interested in a partnership
Choose a university and a program from the list and get all the details from a real student online
Choose any university or a program, including an international one, and find out all the details from a real student online. *Free for Ukrainian students, please contact us to get a discount.
Free Consultation for applicants to our partner schools and universities
Our products
10 £
40 £
A convenient communication format of your choice: video, audio, or texts
A convenient communication format of your choice: video, audio, or texts
40-minute session to ask questions or receive guidance from the student
Any university or program supported, including international
40-minute session to ask questions or receive guidance from the student
Only a limited amount of programs and universities supported
Free Consultation for applicants to our partner schools and universities
Our products
Choose a university and a program from the list and get all the details from a real student online
40-minute session to ask questions or receive guidance from the student
A convenient communication format of your choice: video, audio, or texts
Only a limited amount of programs and universities supported
10.00 £
Choose any university or a program, including an international one, and find out all the details from a real student online. *Free for Ukrainian students, please contact us to get a discount.
40.00 £
Any university or program supported, including international
A convenient communication format of your choice: video, audio, or texts
40-minute session to ask questions or receive guidance from the student

How does it work?
Please select the university and the program you want to have a consultation for
Submit an application on the website
Decide on the degree, university, career based on the discussion you had
Make the big decision
We will share a contact of a student within 7 days and will help set up a consultation
Talk to a student
Our students
Students from more than 50 universities are ready to share their experiences with you and help you make the right decision
Students are ready to help right now
Do you still have some questions?
Leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible