Tell about your university
We work with the best universities in the country
What do you get
Help applicants find the right university, advise, guide, and support.
If you are a tutor, you can find new students, as you have access to your target audience via our service.
Approximately 25% of applicants make the wrong choice of university. Help the future student not to waste years of study in vain and make the right choice
A great opportunity to make connections and find new friends
Also, you can offer your private tutoring services to applicants.
New acquaintances
You can earn by consulting applicants, and soon you will be able to receive tips for this
Are you a tutor and looking for students? You can offer to help and services to the applicant after they have made the decision on where to study. And also help 25% of students to save years of their time studying a program they do not like.
Help university applicants make the right choice
Join the Platform
After filling in the application we will contact you and conduct an interview before admitting you to our platform. After approval, we will connect you with applicants who need your advice.
If you are a tutor, you can find new students, as you have access to your target audience via our service.
Approximately 25% of applicants make the wrong choice of university. Help the future student not to waste years of study in vain and make the right choice
You can earn by consulting applicants, and soon you will be able to receive tips for this
A great opportunity to make connections and find new friends
New acquaintances
How does it work?
After your application is approved, when an applicant leaves an application for your educational program, we will contact you
Join the Platform
The duration of the consultation depends on the number of questions the applicant has. You can arrange a time of the event with the applicant by yourself.
Hold a consultation
We will connect you with an applicant so that you can arrange a time for a consultation
Hold a Consultation
Please fill in this survey for us to build a better product.
What type of activity would you like to do additionally?
Fill out the form and we will contact you soon.
Do you still have some questions?
Leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible